Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Bethlehem College.

Who is the principal?
Bethlehem College's current principal is Eoin Crosbie.

How many students are there from 7-13?
1200 students

  • Philip Russell is the associate principal for pastoral care and councelling.
  • Stewart Manners is the associate principal for curriculum guidance.
  • Shane Beckett is the associate principal for primary.
  • Maureen Giles is the Head of Primary
  • John Mudge is the Head of Junior Secondary
  • Teri Culpepper is the Head of Senior Secondary
When did the school open?
The school open in 1988 as a primary school with 100 students.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Social Dance.

So much fun
On a certain night 
Cool moves 
In the hall
All together 
Light camera action.  

Dressed up good
A night to remember  
Now or never 
Can't get enough 

Monday, 28 July 2014

The Migraine

OMG I don't want to go to work today. Mr Smith is so annoying bossing everyone around doing things that are not even close to working. I know what I must do time to fake a illness. First thing first work out the illness, hmmmm maybe a sore tummy and runny nose Nah that's to simple, ummmm I GOT IT a migraine PERFECT he will never say no to that. Ok time to make the call. Hello Mr Smith it's Susie here I just calling to say that I can't come into work today because I have a migraine hmm you sound fine to me but ok I don't want you puking all over the food anyway goodbye Bye Mr Smith. Right time to get ready. YAY Ready to go BEACH TIME BEACH TIME TIME TO PARTY I change into my bikini and head off into the water but before I can something catches my eyes MR SMITH walking towards me OH NO I'M DEAD SUSIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? I umm getting some fresh air Well you don't look sick to me so tell me what you are really doing here now??? FINE FINE I am not sick I just didn't want to go to work today ok? OK I will make it easier for you YOU ARE FIRED. But Mr Smith what are you doing here?? UMM nothing I will leave you alone if you tell me what you are doing here. fine I am meeting some friends here for a party party but then they canceled so I was going to go for a swim. But you are meant to be running your shop. Ok ok YOU can have your job back if you don't tell anyone about today ok??? OK DEAL see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Māori Gods (The story of Ranginui and Papatuanuku)

Ranginui the sky father

Papatuanuku (mother earth)

1. Who is Ranginui? Ranginui is the sky father

2. Who is Papatuanuku? Papatuanuku is the land also known as mother earth.

3. Who is the Maori god of the forests? Tāne-mahuta

4. Who is the Maori god of the winds? Tāwhirimātea

5. Who is the Maori god of war? Tūmatauenga

6. Who is the Maori god of the sea? Tangaroa

Monday, 21 July 2014

Islands in Tauranga Moana

Mayor Island = Tūhua Island

Peach Island = Motuopae Island

Leisure Island = Morturiki Island

Rat Island = Motukiore Island

Thursday, 3 July 2014

End of the term Review

Cross Country.
On Friday the 27th of June week 8, we had our school cross country race.The course was 3k it was hard. First the year 7 girls raced and they did great, next the year 7 boys raced  they got the fastest times of the day. Then it was my race and I was really nervous I was coming 2nd in the first 200m then I past someone and was coming 1st and I tried to keep it that way the whole race it was close between Tony, Anika and me. In the end it went me,Tony and then Anika what is really good. The year 8 boys did great as well. All in all it was a right day.

Science Fair 
We started science fair at the beginning of the term. We had 8 weeks to finish. It took along time to work out a topic then work out my Aim, Hypothesis, Introduction, what I would need, Method, Results and Conclusion. I finished my science fair one day before I had to hand it in after we handed it in we had to show the class and explain why I choose this topic and all about then Miss C would mark it. Then when we all finished it went up to the hall to be judged. I didn't get a yellow sticker but that's ok.

This term in maths we have been learning all about stats and stuff like that, I learned what a box and whiskers plot is and a scatter plot is as well. I also did stem and leaf graphs about the resting heart rate is for room42 girls and boys then we had to find the mean, median, mode and range. With the scatter plots I learned all about correlation and what you need to make a scatter plot.

Highlights and Lowlights 
A highlight of this term was probably hockey because I got named captain  and I am really happy about that and A different highlight was cross country because I trained hard for it and I felt like I achieved my goal. I don't have a lowlight of this term it was a good 9 weeks.

For P:E this term we did hockey, netball, soccer and basketball. I was in team 7 we played basketball and won all the games. Then we played soccer I don't know if we won or not I was away. Netball was next I think we won but I not sure I couldn't play. Last was hockey but I was a way at a sports thing so I don't know if we won or not. In round 2 it was to wet to play any sports so we played dodgeball  in the gym what was super fun as well.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Lucan Battison- long hair court case

Year 12 student Lucan Battison had been suspended by his school principal for not cutting his long, curly locks last month. Lucan then took this to court saying that the rules from the school about hair was that his hair had to be above the collar and out of the eyes he tied his hair up so he didn't break the rules. His lawyer said that if Lucan cut his hair because it is curly and boofy that it would turn into a afro. Lucan won the case. I think that he should be allowed to have his hair long but he still has to keep his hair above the collar and out of the eyes