Monday, 30 June 2014

Climate of New Zealand

Although Hamilton has a rain fall of 120mm it can still reach temperatures of 24 ยบ  in Summer.  

Alexandra has the coldest temperatures in June and July whereas as Hokitika has the highest rain fall of 288mm.

I think Alexandra has the coldest temperatures because it is near the bottom of the South Island.

Even if Hokitika get the less rain, the  temperatures can still go up to 20mm.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Class interruptions.

In room 42 we are constantly interrupted during our learning time, the interruptions were...

- Phone 
- Messages 
- Intercom

Here are some solutions to this problem
- When phone rings only one person answer it 
- If Intercom goes on get a mute button
- When Messages come to the class one person gets all the messages and gives it to the teacher.

This affects our learning time because 
- When the phone rings everyone yells out " who's answering the phone" and that distracts everyone 
- Even if there is a message doesn't apply to us the whole class turns around and everyone goes off task.
- When Messages come into the class everyone yells " Miss C there is someone at the door" and then the whole class starts talking and gets off task.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Social Experiment

I think this video will have something to do with people talking and hanging out together because social means talking, I think they well do an experiment to see who talks more boys or girls, because experiment means testing something like with our science fairs we had to test something.That is why I think the video will be about doing a experiment on social for EG: who talks more boys or girls.

Aim: To find out if the reaction of the public when someone/something insults them or if someone compliments them. √

Hypothesis: I think that people will storm off and get mad if someone say a insult and the people that got a compliment they walked off happy and good about them self.

Equipment & Method: Speaker, someone to talk
1. Place speaker on corner
2. When people walk past say ether a insult or compliment.
3. see there reaction.
4. do this for about half an hour

Results: We found out that the insults and compliments do affect people, some left feeling sad and mad where as other left feeling good about them self. Some people just thought it was a joke and didn't take it to heart.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Scam letter

Summarise who this letter is from, who it is to, and what it is about.
The person who sent the email was a 66 year old woman named Emily Park, she sent the email to Miss Campbell  on Thursday june 12 2014 at 7:21pm, the email is about being scammed, this email is also a scam .

What are 2 reasons you know that this letter is a scam.
 I know this email is a scam because Ms park put two different emails, you only need on email. Also the phone number Emily used was fake.

Give 3 pieces of evidence (excerpts of sentences) that prove that this letter is a scam.

 The reason I know that the phone number is fake is because it had 10 numbers in it normal a phone number only has 7 number. I also know that this email is a scam is because Emily said that Mrs.Maria Fernandez showed her all the full information but if Maria worked for the FBI then Emily wouldn't be allowed to see that. The last reason I know that this is a scam is because when I searched the email and it came up with fraud alert. 

Describe a scam or prank you have heard about or been subject to.
Once someone called up my family at home and told me that they could fix my laptop I knew this was a scam because my laptop wasn't broken.

Here is the link to the scam letter
scam letter

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Describe this scene.

Imagine this is you.Describe this scene. Describe
- what you smell
- what you hear
- what you  see
- how you feel 

So here I am looking out at the most extraordinary view, I can't feel my hands it's so cold but I don't mind. I can't hear a thing it's noiseless, just lying here admiring everything around me it just right, I can still smell some of my left over breakfast it makes my tummy growl. I need to get up and start moving around again other wise I might get frozen to chair.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

FIFA world cup.

List the 6 menu items McDonalds has which are connected with the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

- The Brazil burger
- The Argentina Burger
- The France burger
-The Spain brekkie wrap
-The Rio frozen sprite
-The England pie

For ONE of these menu items
 - The Brazil burger ingredients
- beef patty
- beans
- capsicum
-tangy tomato salsa

How is this item connected to Brazil?

This burger represents Brazil because brazilians like bean dishes and most people in brazil have beans in something everyday.They also have lots of corn in Brazil so that's way there is corn and beans.

The Netherlands bruger

 Netherlands burger ingredients

beef patty
soccer ball bun

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Invisible Soldier.

I think that the movie will be about a soldier who has to leave his family to go to the amy but when he gets there he gets stood down because he did something wrong so he does missions on his own with out being caught he is kinda invisible  I think this because it say invisible in the tittle and then he gets stood.

Questions and answers.

Q. How long has it been since the amy spent $5 billion on camouflage?
A. 8 years

Q. What do soldier use to hide themselves?
A. Camouflage

Q.What is camouflage?
A. A material pattern which can be used to camouflage soldiers in any terrain or environment.

Q. What is the new project the military is using to help soldiers?
A. The invisible cloak.

Q.What is the technical name for the cloak?
A. Quantum stealth technology.

Q. How does it work?
A. By bending the light around the person.

Q.Who is the amy thinking the invisible cloak would help the most?
A. Snipers.

Q. Do you need a power source for the cloak to work?
A. No, you don’t need a power source.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Statistic lesson.

what is a sample? A small bit of the population so that you do not have to test the whole population. Use you a sample to find out something that is not using everybody and everything.

why take a sample? Because if you take all of say a blood example it could be harmful.

what does the word ‘population’ mean? It means everyone or things that you are testing.

how can you tell if are you sampling the right population? when you ask a different kind's of people not just the same kind of person in personality.

what are some examples of sampling done irl?